[Published on Huffington Post] Over the years as we grow to maturity and seek to find our true selves, we are also growing a very strong sense of independence.  From learning how to walk, talk and dress ourselves to the more complicated adult discoveries like career choices or life partner selections we strive to "do it ourselves". No help needed here. In so many ways, we also learn that asking for help can be seen as a sign of weakness.  In so many ways, it does help us to do a lot of personal development.  We struggle almost continuously.  And all the while, we are at the ready to lend a helping hand to any who ask.  

[Published on Huffington Post] Too often today so many of us are caught up in the daily grind, wondering how we can get off the hamster wheel of life. This can't help but lead us to experience feelings of overwhelm and the more we feel that way the greater our stress levels. Our days tend to look like this; get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Rinse and repeat day after day. With little to no time to unwind, there is little opportunity to minimize the stress from the hectic schedule. One day quickly melds with the next and suddenly weeks and months have passed. The intent to address the stress never gets implemented but should be. With a mere 15 minutes each day, and with discipline to be consistent, stress can be significantly minimized. How easy does that sound?